Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tis' the Season....the "Off-Season"

With the Richmond Marathon in my rearview mirror, I have pretty much wrapped up my racing for the year.  I may do a few smaller local running races (e.g. Turkey Trot, Surfin' Santa) over the next few weeks, but I'm not specifically training for anything. 

I've done a good amount of racing this year and my training load increased significantly from years past.  Needless to say I'm looking forward to a little unstructured down time. place of all my time spent training, I plan to spend some time...

eating one of these...
some of these...

a slice (or three) of this...
and this! 
Please leave a comment below with your favorite "cheat meals" so I can make sure to get them a try.  Now its time for me to get to work...

1 comment:

  1. the seasonal peppermint chocolate chip milkshake is in at Chik-fil-A... just sayin'...
