Tuesday, December 18, 2012


While nothing will replace running outside and enjoying the fresh air and chirping birds...there are times when the weather outside is wet/cold/dark/unsafe/f*cking miserable and a much better run will be had indoors.

Don't get me wrong I'm all for those "character building" runs when you're out by yourself, in a hail storm, with 50+mph winds, running your ass off because "some man" is chasing you, [insert your personal drama here]...   

perfect running weather?!
...but wait!!  There's a nifty solution to our little problem...it's the TREADMILL [ooh...aah] 

...distinguished picture of our new friend silent training buddy
Now, I know what you are thinking.  Treadmills are [insert favorite expletive] BORING!!...but wait!!  Despite what they say...treadmills can serve a purpose.

No hills?  No track?  No Garmin?  Crap weather? Want to videotape your gait?  Want to focus on form/turnover/cadence?  Hate to carry your water bottle and wish you had a towel to wipe your forehead?   Answer: use a treadmill. 

I personally use the treadmill for hill sessions being that it's completely flat where I live.  There is endless combinations of speed v. gradient to challenge yourself.  Using short intervals of 1-5min with recovery periods built in will help break up the monotony of being on a treadmill for your run. 

Even better - you can catch up on an old movie or old episodes of Gossip Girl while banging out some hill repeats.  WIN-WIN!!

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